

Taxonomic study on Allium dentiferum Webb & Berth. (Alliaceae) and its relations with allied species from the Mediterranean.

Brullo SGuglielmo APavone PCristina Maria Bernardina Salmeri


Settore BIO/02 - Botanica SistematicaMediterranean floraTaxonomyKaryologyAllium


Taxonomy and relationships of Allium dentiferum, a polyploid synanthropic Mediterranean species, are assessed based on morphological, karyological and cladistic analysis. A new species, Allium galileum, closely related to A. dentiferum, is described and illustrated. Both species are large and share very long spathe valves, yellow-greenish tepals and interstaminal teeth. The new species, however, is diploid and linked to natural habitats, and is characterized by the lax and spread inflorescence, purple stamen filaments and the smaller perigon, anthers, ovary and capsule. Relationships among these two species and allied taxa of Allium sect. Codonoprasum, such as A. fuscum, A. pallens, A. paniculatum and A. longispathum, are discussed. A cladistic analysis based on morphological, karyological and phenological data of these species and taxa belonging to A. sect. Codonoprasum is presented. In the strict consensus tree the taxa are separated in distinct groups correlating with several diagnostic taxonomic characters.
