

Towards of effective ongoing training programmes for science teachers.

Carlos Furió MásJordi Solbes MatarredonaCristina Furió Gómez


Professors FormacióEducació InvestigacióCiència Ensenyament


This paper begins by demonstrating the need to enhance the training ofpeople who currently active teachers and presents a propasa! of ongoing training programme founded in the results of science education research. To begin with, a critica! analysis about some ofthe dominant models ofteacher traíning in which exista lack of integration between theory and practíce is carríed out. Next, the hypothesis that the e.ffective .formation programs are those that have as objective to .facilitate the teacher s immersion in the investigation and innovafían in science education is developed. In addition. in this programs a group o.f constructivism based strategies that initíates the teacher in the investigation o.f the problems that are presented in the classroom have been used. Fínally, the existence o.fínvestígatíon or innovatíon consolidated groups in which new teachers could be traíned as investigators, or to promote the formation of teacher s teams that work in the problems of the educational practíce is also required. Key words: teacher pro.fessional development, in-service science teacher traíning, analysís of models in science teacher education, strategies .for effective programmes
