

Concentrated Solar Power: Ontologies for Solar Radiation Modeling and Forecasting

Giuseppe FasoAntonino Di Piazza


Computer scienceConcentrated solar powerSystems engineeringSemantic technologyExplicit knowledgeOntology (information science)SemanticsFuzzy logicDomain (software engineering)


This chapter considers the possibility of formally representing implicit and explicit knowledge of solar radiation modeling and forecasting by means of ontologies, with particular reference to the implications of concentrated solar power. The various applications discussed in the literature include various methods, such as spectral, parametric and empirical models, artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic approaches, as well as satellite and ground based imaging techniques. We want to use the principles of semantic technologies and formal ontologies, to represent knowledge in solar radiation models. The purpose is to capture the semantics of information and realize a system for sharing and re-use of knowledge in this domain.
