

Extraction of objects from structured backgrounds in the cat superior colliculus. Part II

G. Frömel


Superior ColliculiGeneral Computer ScienceModels NeurologicalMotion PerceptionNeural ConductionObject (grammar)SignalDistortionAnimalsComputer visionPhysicsMovement (music)business.industrySuperior colliculusNeural InhibitionPattern recognitionDendritesForm PerceptionNoiseCoupling (computer programming)Space PerceptionPattern recognition (psychology)CatsArtificial intelligencebusinessBiotechnology


Specific changes occur in the cells of the uppers layers of the cat's superior colliculus when a two dimensional noise (background) is superimposed onto a deterministic signal (spot of light). Some of the measurements can be interpreted as meaning that some cells only react to certain relative movements of object (spot) and background (noise). The movement of the visual background is interpreted as environmental movement occurring due to the animal's own movement. The results of the measurements provide all the necessary presuppositions for a distinction between the animal's own velocity and that of the object (Part I). The experimental results can be interpreted with a model. The essential factor for the interpretation is the direction specific behavior of the cells which is bound up with an asymmetrical spatial coupling of the neurons with each other. The decisive advantage of asymmetrical systems for the pattern recognition of moving objects is that they can work without distortion and spatial displacement over large ranges of velocity (Part II).
