

El papel de las mujeres en la historia según las imágenes de los libros de texto. Comparación de manuales editados durante la LOE y la LOMCE

Juan Carlos Bel Martínez


reforma educativacoeducaciónEspañaPrimary educationRepresentation (arts)imagenLey Orgánica 2/2006 de Educación (LOE)Educationhistoria socialGeneral Energymedios de enseñanzaLey Orgánica 8/2013 para la mejora de la calidad educativa (LOMCE)PedagogíaSociologysexo femeninoHumanitieslibro de textolegislación educativa


This paper focuses on the study of the role of women and its representation in the images of the textbooks of Environmental Knowledge and Social Sciences subjects, specifically in History topics. Textbooks can give us an overview of how women are presented in the historical discourse carried from Primary Education, and through their analysis we can see if it has or not an androcentric bias. Therefrom it’s developed an analysis and a comparison of the data between volumes of both last education laws implemented in Spain (LOE and LOMCE).
