

L-fuzzy syntopogenous structures, Part I: Fundamentals and application to L-fuzzy topologies, L-fuzzy proximities and L-fuzzy uniformities

Dace CimokaAlexander P. Sostak


Discrete mathematicsPure mathematicsComplete latticeMathematics::General MathematicsArtificial IntelligenceLogicStructure (category theory)Topological spaceCompletely distributive latticeNetwork topologyFuzzy logicMathematics


Abstract We introduce the concept of an L-fuzzy syntopogenous structure where L is a complete lattice endowed with an implicator ↦ : L × L → L satisfying certain properties (in particular, as L one can take an MV-algebra). As special cases our L-fuzzy syntopogenous structures contain classical Csaszar syntopogenous structures, Katsaras–Petalas fuzzy syntopogenous structures as well as fuzzy syntopogeneous structures introduced in the previous work of the second named author (A. Sostak, Fuzzy syntopogenous structures, Quaest. Math. 20 (1997) 431–461). Basic properties of the category of L-fuzzy syntopogenous spaces are studied; categories of L-fuzzy topological spaces, L-fuzzy proximity spaces and L-fuzzy uniform spaces are characterized in the framework of the category of L-fuzzy syntopogenous spaces.
