

General Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods

Dieter W. Heermann


Partition function (quantum field theory)Theoretical computer sciencelawComputer sciencePhase spaceComplex systemPhysical systemManifold (fluid mechanics)Simulation methodslaw.invention


Computer simulation methods are now an established tool in many branches of science. The motivation for computer simulations of physical systems are manifold. One of the main motivations is that one eliminates approximations with computer simulations. Usually to treat a problem analytically (if it can be done at all) one needs to resort to some kind of approximation; for exam- ple a mean-field-type approximation. With a computer simulation we have the ability to study systems not yet tractable with analytical methods. The computer simulation approach allows one to study complex systems and gain insight into their behaviour. Indeed, the complexity can go far beyond the reach of present analytic methods.
