Decamp DDeschizeaux BGoy CLees JpMinard MnAlemany RCrespo JmDelfino MFernandez EGaitan VGarrido LMir LmPacheco ACatanesi MgCreanza DDepalma MFarilla AIaselli GMaggi GMaggi MNatali SNuzzo SQuattromini MRanieri ARaso GRomano FRuggieri FSelvaggi GSilvestris LTempesta PZito GGao YHu HHuang DHuang XLin JLou JQiao CRuan TWang TXie YXu DXu RZhang JZhao WAtwood WbBauerdick LatBird FBlucher EBonvicini GBossi FBoudreau JBrown DBurnett ThDrevermann HForty RwGrab CHagelberg RHaywood SHilgart JJost BKasemann MKnobloch JLacourt ALancon ELehraus ILohse TMarchioro AMartinez MMato PMenary SMinten AMiotto AMiquel RMoser HgNash JPalazzi PRanjard FRedlinger GRoth ARothberg JRotscheidt HSaich MSchlatter DSchmelling MTakashima MTejessy WWachsmuth HWasserbaech SWiedenmann WWitzeling WWotschack JAjaltouni ZBadaud FBardadinotwinowska MBencheikh AmElfellous RFalvard AGay PGuicheney CHarvey JHenrard PJousset JMichel BMontret JcPallin DPerret PProriol JPrulhiere FStimpfl GHansen JdHansen PhMollerud RNilsson BsEfthymiopoulos ISimopoulou EVayaki ABadier JBlondel ABonneaud GBourotte JBraems FBrient JcFouque GGamess AGuirlet ROrteu SRosowsky ARouge ARumpf MTanaka RVideau HCandlin DjVeitch EMoneta LParrini GCorden MGeorgiopoulos CIkeda MLannutti JLevinthal DMermikides MSawyer LAntonelli ABaldini RBencivenni GBologna GCampana PCapon GCerutti FChiarella VDettorrepiazzoli BFelici GLaurelli PMannocchi GMurtas FMurtas GpNicoletti GPassalacqua LPepealtarelli MPicchi PZografou PAltoon BBoyle OHalley AwTenhave IHearns JlLynch JgMorton WtRaine CScarr JmSmith KThompson AsTurnbull RmBrandl BBraun OGeiges RGeweniger CHanke PHepp VKluge EeMaumary YPutzer ARensch BStahl ATittel KWunsch MBelk AtBeuselinck RBinnie DmCameron WCattaneo MDornan PjDugeay SGreene AmHassard JfLieske NmPatton SjPayne DgPhillips MjSedgbeer JkTaylor GTomalin IrWright AgGirtler PKuhn DRudolph GBowdery CkBrodbeck TjFinch AjFoster FHughes GKeemer NrNuttall MPatel ARowlingson BsSloan TSnow SwWhelan EpBarczewski TKleinknecht KRaab JRenk BRoehn SSander HgSchmidt HSteeg FWalther SmWolf BAlbanese JpAubert JjBenchouk CBernard VBonissent ACourvoisier DEtienne FPapalexiou SPayre PPietrzyk BQian ZTalby MBecker HBlum WCattaneo PCowan GDehning BDietl HDydak FFernandezbosman MHanslkozanecka TJahn AKozanecki WLange ELauber JLutjens GLutz GManner WPan YRichter RSchroder JSchwarz AsSettles RStierlin UDenis RsThomas JWolf GBertin VBoucrot JCallot OChen XCordier ADavier MGanis GGrivaz JfHeusse PJanot PKim DwLediberder FLefrancois JLutz AmVeillet JjVideau IZhang ZZomer FAbbaneo DAmendolia SrBagliesi GBatignani GBosisio LBottigli UBradaschia CCarpinelli MCiocci MaDellorso RFerrante IFidecaro FFoa LFocardi EForti FGatto CGiassi AGiorgi MaMannelli EbMarrochesi PsMessineo AMoneta LPalla FSanguinetti GSteinberger JTenchini RTonelli GTriggiani GVannini CVenturi AVerdini PgWalsh JCarter JmGreen MgMarch PvMedcalf TQuazi IsStrong JaThomas RmWest LrWildish TBotterill DrClifft RwEdgecock TrEdwards MFisher SmJones TjNorton PrSalmon DpThompson JcBlochdevaux BColas PKlopfenstein CLocci ELoucatos SMonnier EPerez PPerlas JaPerrier FRander JRenardy JfRoussarie ASchuller JpSchwindling JVallage BAshman JgBooth CnButtar CCarney RCartwright SCombley FDinsdale MDogru MHatfield FMartin JParker DReeves PThompson LfBarberio EBrandt SBurkhardt HGrupen CMeinhard HMirabito LSchafer USeywerd HGiannini GGobbo BRagusa FRolandi LStiegler UBellantoni LChen XCinabro DConway JsCowen DfFeng ZFerguson DpsGao YsGrahl JHarton JlJacobsen JeJared RcJohnson RpLeclaire BwPan YbPater JrSaadi YSharma VShi ZhTang YhWalsh AmWear JaWeber FvWhitney MhWu SlZobernig G.Alberto LusianiFranco Ligabuesubject
PhysicsParticle physicsPhysics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)RANGEHadronPartonElementary particleDECAYSGluonMoment (physics)Transverse massRapidityHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentParton showerANNIHILATIONNuclear ExperimentEngineering (miscellaneous)Particle Physics - Experimentdescription
The results of an investigation based on ALEPH data, e+ e- --> hadrons at square-root s = 91 GeV, into fluctuations in rapidity space are presented. It is found that the behaviour of the factorial moments is well represented by the Lund parton shower model. An estimate is made of the scale of fluctuations needed to describe the data. Differential moments are introduced and are used to demonstrate that within the average represented by the traditional factorial moments the pattern of fluctu10.1007/BF01483869ations is itself a strong function of rapidity. This pattern is shown to be primarily associated with the emission of hard gluons. The implied structure between the hadron clusters and partons is explored by the use of transverse mass moments. It is concluded that the principal features of the one-dimensional factorial moments, differential moments and transverse mass moments have their origin in the O(alpha(s)) matrix element, kinematic boundaries and the method of selection of the event axis.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
1992-01-01 |