

The Link Between Standardization and Economic Growth

Jussi HeikkiläTimo Ali-vehmasJulius Rissanen


standardizationtaloudelliset vaikutuksettalouskasvubibliometric analysisstandardointistandarditallocation of attentioneconomic growthsystemaattiset kirjallisuuskatsauksetbibliometriikka


We analyze the link between standardization and economic growth by systematically reviewing leading economics journals, leading economic growth researchers’ articles, and economic growth-related books. We make the following observations: 1) No article has analyzed the link between standardization and economic growth in top5 economics journals between 1996 and 2018. 2) A representative sample of the leading researchers of economic growth has allocated little attention to the link between standardization and economic growth. 3) Typically, economic growth textbooks do not contain “standards” or “standardization” in their word indexes. These findings suggest that the economic growth theory has neglected the role of standardization. peerReviewed
