

Exposer l’âge du Bronze

Sylvie Lourdaux-juriettiRolande Simon-millot


Bronze age[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistoryillustrationarchaeological contextdrawingdessincastingexhibitionmuséologieâge du Bronzemuseologycontexte archéologiquecollection archéologiquearchaeological collectionmoulageexposition


Exhibitions about the Bronze Age in France are quire a recent affair and only eighteen temporary exhi­bitions, most with their own catalogue, have been curated since 1986. This conference has given us the opportunity to overviev, the exhibitions that have given eirher a regional perspective of the Bronze Age or have focused on a particular theme. ln the last few years, several exhibitions have highlighred non-funerary metal deposits. The museography and public ourreach have varied for each exhibition, but ail have dealt with the difficult question of recontextualisation and how we understand and interpret archaeological data. This is particularly relevant, as the public still knows lirrle of the Bronze Age. Other museographic examples, especially fi-om Germany, are also reviewed. They aim ro present nor only the abjects for them­selves, but also their contexts. If certain types of outreach have evolved over rime in particular with digital technology, illustration stills holds a central position in the mediation of Bronze Age collections, as it remains the only method to recreate the this era largely unknown to the public.
