

Electronic structure of quantum dots

M. ManninenStephanie Reimann


PhysicsCondensed matter physicsQuantum dotSimple (abstract algebra)Quantum mechanicsGeneral Physics and AstronomyMoleculeFunction (mathematics)Electronic structureCondensed Matter::Mesoscopic Systems and Quantum Hall EffectSpontaneous magnetizationElectron localization functionMagnetic field


The properties of quasi-two-dimensional semiconductor quantum dots are reviewed. Experimental techniques for measuring the electronic shell structure and the effect of magnetic fields are briefly described. The electronic structure is analyzed in terms of simple single-particle models, density-functional theory, and "exact" diagonalization methods. The spontaneous magnetization due to Hund's rule, spin-density wave states, and electron localization are addressed. As a function of the magnetic field, the electronic structure goes through several phases with qualitatively different properties. The formation of the so-called maximum-density droplet and its edge reconstruction is discussed, and the regime of strong magnetic fields in finite dot is examined. In addition, quasi-one-dimensional rings, deformed dots, and dot molecules are considered. (Less)
