

Mueller–Navelet Jets at the LHC

Bertrand DucloueL. SzymanowskiS. Wallon


High Energy Physics::PhenomenologyMueller–Navelet jetsHigh Energy Physics::Experiment


We report on our NLL BFKL studies of the Mueller–Navelet jets. We first perform a complete NLL BFKL analysis supplemented by a BLM renormalization scale fixing procedure, which is successfully compared with recent CMS data. Second, we argue for the need of a measurement of an asymmetric jet configuration in order to perform a valuable comparison with fixed order approaches. Third, we predict that the energy-momentum violation is rather tiny in the NLL BFKL approach, for an asymmetric jet configuration. Finally, we argue that the double parton scattering contribution is negligible in the kinematics of actual CMS measurements. peerReviewed
