

Des femmes en blanc : La « fabrication » des infirmières

Lucile Girard


Groupe professionnelInfirmierRecrutement[SHS.SOCIO]Humanities and Social Sciences/SociologySocialisation[SHS.SOCIO] Humanities and Social Sciences/SociologyNurseSocializationProfessional groupLearningRecruitmentApprentissage


The purpose of this PhD thesis is to understand how French nurses are groomed. We will focus on their initial training. How does a common educational background manage to produce such different practitioners? Firstly, a socio-historical approach of the emergence of this professional group will enlighten its internal dynamics especially regarding the institutional education. The training is held by senior nurses, who define the specific tasks and duties of nurses.In a second step, starting from a qualitative and localized fieldwork, we will aim at understanding the recruitment and socialization of student nurses. Recruiting obviously begins with the nursing school entrance examination but continues on throughout the studies, following two patterns. On the one hand, at school, the senior nurses teach versatile skills. On the other hand, during internships in health institutions, the exercising nurses select the students fit to become nurses in this particular institution.
