

Environmental Conflicts and Social Innovation on the Balearic Islands (Spain)

Néstor Vercher


local development; social learning; social capital; territorial governance; ecological distribution conflicts; sustainable development; environmental policy; oil and gassocial learningsustainable developmentRenewable Energy Sustainability and the Environmentenvironmental policyGeography Planning and DevelopmentUNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍAsocial capitalecological distribution conflictsManagement Monitoring Policy and Lawterritorial governancelocal developmentoil and gas


New environmental conflicts arise all the time as a consequence of the industrial economy and economic growth. The search for new energy and new materials jeopardizes the margin to promote sustainable development in many local communities. In this paper, we examine a conflict related to hydrocarbons projects in the Balearic Sea (Spain) from the social innovation perspective. This novel approach allows us to focus on how socially innovative responses can be triggered by environmental threats. A set of mixed methods (qualitative analysis and social network analysis) are implemented to study the emergence and development of Alianza Mar Blava in Ibiza–Formentera. This is an initiative that successfully activates new social relations and new collective practices that contribute to transform the environmental conflict. In this study, we highlight the strategic factors that allow the conflict to be transformed as well as other social processes that ultimately promote local sustainable development beyond the conflict.
