

On the Students' QoS-Awareness of Video Lectures

Ismo HakalaTuomo HarmanmaaSanna Laine


ta113Multimediavideo streamingComputer scienceQuality of servicevideosevaluation toolslaatucomputer.software_genrevideo lecturesqualityComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONcomputerQoS-awareness


Video lectures bring flexibility and enable distance learning in education. With the help of videos, educational organizations are able to serve a wider and more heterogeneous group of students. As streaming videos have become essential part of teaching in higher education, quality of service (QoS) issues should be taken more into consideration. However, systematic quality monitoring of video lecture delivery, to our knowledge, is rarely used in a way that would provide also the student with quality information. This paper describes our ongoing research on developing a streaming video quality evaluation tool integrated in a learning environment that our master’s students use. The tool serves both the education provider and the students. peerReviewed
