

L'influenza delle incisioni romane nell'architettura siciliana del Settecento

Stefano Piazza


incisione romane architettura Sicilia XVIII secolo progettoSettore ICAR/18 - Storia Dell'Architettura


The aim of this essay is to assess the real influence of Roman architectural engravings in Sicily, particularly focusing on the series of doors and windows published in the second volume of Andrea Pozzo’s treatise (1700) as well as on those included in Gian Giacomo and Domenico Rossi’s publications, with particular reference to the first volume of Studio di Architettura Civile (Roma 1702). The research focuses on the work of the three main characters of Sicilian Late Baroque, Giovan Amico (1684-1754), Rosario Gagliardi (1690-1762) and Giovanni Battista Vaccarini (1702-1768) whose professional activity, almost synchronous, identifies the time, indicatively included between 1720 and 1750, when the influence of Roman Late Baroque was more evident. The study of the above mentioned architects’ work has pointed out a common approach, characterized by a partial assimilation of Roman models and a more evident will to develop individual and distinctive solutions. Connoting in a substantial way an architectural structure, the design of both doors and windows represented a basic part of the architectural lexicon and, as such, it could not consist of a simple repetition of models for an architect active in the modern debate. On the other hand, if we move from the masters’ work to a context of technicians less involved in linguistic research and more attentive to professional practice, the approach radically changes, frequently directing towards a literal copying of Roman models.
