

New observations on a pottery fragment with incised deer from the Cova de l’Or (Beniarés, Alacant)

Inés Domingo SanzClodoaldo Roldán GarcíaJosé Lorenzo Ferrero CalabuigPablo García Borja


neolíticoUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia generalAnálisis elemental:HISTORIA::Historia general [UNESCO]análisis elementalalmagraElemental análisisdecoraciones cerámicasAlmagraCova de l’OrArchaeologyNeolíticoDecoraciones cerámicasPottery decorationsCova de l’Or; Neolítico; Decoraciones cerámicas; Análisis elemental; Almagracardiovascular systemNeolithiccova de l’orCC1-960


The red external surface of a vessel, decorated with an incised group of deer from Cova de l’Or, has been long considered characteristic of the application of the almagra technique. However, the results of the elemental analysis of this fragment, compared with the results of another vessel with almagra decoration from the same site, call into question the application of this technique in the first vessel. In addition, searching for parallels for the schematic incised motifs of the vessel, in both ceramic decorations and rock art, we have concluded that rather than deer the represented animals are hinds.
