

Évolutions récentes de l'agriculture française. Analyse géographique des tendances régionales et de la mise en place d'un nouveau dispositif d'aménagement du territoire, le Contrat Territorial d'Exploitation (C.T.E.)

Sophie Baszynski


sustainable developmentspatial analysisaménagement du territoire[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography[SHS.GEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographylandscapeenvironnement[ SHS.GEO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographydéveloppement durableagricultural policypaysagespatial planningenvironmentanalyse spatialeagriculturepolitique agricole


The recent transformations in French agriculture and the emergence of the concept of sustainable development in the last decade have pushed politicians to defining new measures, of which most concern agriculture. The analysis of agricultural systems leads nowadays to studies on interactions with the physical, economical or social environment. The subject of this thesis is related to this context. Firstly, we propose to analyze the recent evolutions in French agriculture, particularly in the last mandate during which the most radical transformations occurred. It is of particular interest to identify, besides the general situation of French agriculture, the differences in evolution between the regions, if those may exist, and the principal factors of influence and of mutation. The policies concerning agriculture determine agricultural activities in an important way; it is appropriate to present the major tendencies, especially the various policies of reform engaged and the instruments implemented. However, the main part of the research concerns a particular aspect of spatial planning: the "Contrat territorial d'Exploitation" (the territorial exploitation contract), or CTE. The CTE is resulting from the analysis of transformations in agriculture and their environmental and territorial consequences, as well as from political choices in favour of a multifunctional and sustainable agricultural activity. It attributes a multitude of functions to the farmer, which make of him a real spatial planner, taking care of the landscape and of the water resources. The CTE implies also numerous restrictions, which we'll identify firstly through the complicated implementation, then through the spatial application in the French regions. Between theory of action and their application, the differences are often significant. Finally, the CTE at a local level are examined. They concern two provinces of the Franche-Comté region: the provinces of Haute-Saône and Doubs. This analysis allows apprehending the complexity of the instrument and the various types of contracts that exist in the studied areas. It also offers an essential stage of reflection before examining the relations between agriculture and its territorial environment. The spatial organisation of the CTE is examined through a series of indicators, reflecting either the structure of exploitations or the actions subscribed to. This results in a general typology of exploitations concerned by a CTE, who represents, besides the global tendencies of the province, an enormous geographical diversity of localisation. Even when it has been impossible to follow the application of the CTE, the analysis brings up numerous questions concerning the effectiveness of the instrument and of its successor, the "Contrat d'Agriculture Durable" (Contract of Sustainable Agriculture), or CAD.
