

Whole grain consumption and human health

Stefano MarventanoEleanor J BeckFabio GalvanoGabriele RiccardiSumantra RayGiuseppe GrossoJustyna GodosSilvio BuscemiAngelo GamberaAlessandra LafranconiFrancesca GhelfiMaria TieriSalvatore SciaccaDaniele Del RioClaudia VetraniElena AlonzoLucilla TittaMarilena Vitale


0301 basic medicineMaleDIETARY FIBERHealth StatusBLOOD-PRESSUREHealth benefitsmeta-analysiHuman healthEating0302 clinical medicinecohort; evidence; fibre; meta-analysis; umbrella review; Whole grainMedicineSettore MED/49 - Scienze Tecniche Dietetiche ApplicateWhole GrainsINSULIN SENSITIVITYcohortWEIGHT-GAINObservational Studies as TopicCardiovascular DiseasesCARDIOVASCULAR-DISEASEMeta-analysisfibreCohortColonic NeoplasmsFemaleColorectal NeoplasmsCEREAL FIBERWhole grain030209 endocrinology & metabolismWhole grains03 medical and health sciencesOAT BETA-GLUCANEnvironmental healthHumansConsumption (economics)030109 nutrition & dieteticsCANCER RISKWhole grain.umbrella reviewbusiness.industryevidenceProstatic NeoplasmsEvidence-based medicineDietmeta-analysisDiabetes Mellitus Type 2GLYCEMIC INDEXObservational studyDOSE-RESPONSE METAANALYSISbusinessFood Science


Whole grains have been associated with a number of health benefits. We systematically reviewed existing meta-analyses of observational studies and evaluated the level of evidence for their putative effects based on pre-selected criteria. Of the 23 included studies, we found convincing evidence of an inverse association between whole grain consumption and risk of type-2 diabetes and colorectal cancer; possible evidence of decreased risk of colon cancer and cardiovascular mortality with increased whole grain intake, as well as increased risk of prostate cancer. Limited or insufficient evidence was available for all other outcomes investigated. Overall findings are encouraging for a positive effect of whole grain consumption on certain diseases, especially highly prevalent metabolic diseases, however, uncertainty of some negative associations deserves further attention.
