

Molecular and pro-inflammatory aspects of COVID-19: The impact on cardiometabolic health

Elena Lo PrestiDomenico NuzzoWael Al MahmeedKhalid Al-rasadiKamila Al-alawiMaciej BanachYajnavalka BanerjeeAntonio CerielloMustafa CesurFrancesco CosentinoAlberto FirenzeMassimo GaliaSu-yen GohAndrej JanezSanjay KalraNitin KapoorPeter KemplerNader LessanPaulo LotufoNikolaos PapanasAli A. RizviAmirhossein SahebkarRaul D. SantosAnca P. StoianPeter P. TothVijay ViswanathanManfredi Rizzo


Interleukin-6SARS-CoV-2Interleukin-8COVID-19COVID Cardiometabolic Diabetes Inflammation MolecularInterleukin-10Interferon-gammaAdipokinesDiabetes Mellitus Type 2Cardiovascular DiseasesCytokinesHumansInterleukin-2RNA ViralMolecular MedicineInterleukin-4ObesityPandemicsMolecular Biology


Obesity, type 2 diabetes (T2DM), hypertension (HTN), and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) often cluster together as "Cardiometabolic Disease" (CMD). Just under 50% of patients with CMD increased the risk of morbidity and mortality right from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic as it has been reported in most countries affected by the SARS-CoV2 virus. One of the pathophysiological hallmarks of COVID-19 is the overactivation of the immune system with a prominent IL-6 response, resulting in severe and systemic damage involving also cytokines such as IL2, IL4, IL8, IL10, and interferon-gamma were considered strong predictors of COVID-19 severity. Thus, in this mini-review, we try to describe the inflammatory state, the alteration of the adipokine profile, and cytokine production in the obese state of infected and not infected patients by SARS-CoV2 with the final aim to find possible influences of COVID-19 on CMD and CVD. The immunological-based discussion of the molecular processes could inspire the study of promising targets for managing CMD patients and its complications during COVID-19.
