

L'iconografia del candelabro per il cero pasquale della Cappella Palatina, con alcune considerazioni sul committente o donatore

G Travagliato


candelabrum for the Easter candleRomualdo GuarnaPalatine ChapelSalerno.Settore L-ART/01 - Storia Dell'Arte MedievaleRomanic sculptureiconographyPalermoNorman sculptureclientdonor


The candelabrum for the Easter candle in the Palatine Chapel in Palermo is in many ways one of the emblematic examples of Norman sculpture in Sicily, to be placed in the context of a broader Mediterranean current, classicistic and highly expressive, which includes contemporary productions of Tuscany, Emilia, Provence, Ile-de-France, Roussillon and Languedoc, Catalonia, up to the Holy Land of the Crusaders. This essay examines its complex iconography and proposes new hypotheses about its probable client or donor, the Archbishop of Salerno and chronicler Romualdo Guarna..
