

Siti Web Museali: Identità Perdute. Appunti per una “storia” del progetto web museale nei primi anni 2000

Francesco Monterosso


Settore ICAR/13 - Disegno IndustrialeCultural Heritage visual design interaction design digital archives museum websites


This discussion tries to investigate the theme of the "web amnesia" in relation to the website project of cultural institutions. More precisely, the reflection is inspired by a "rereading" of a research experience gained within the University of Palermo through the drafting of a doctoral thesis entitled "The web for culture. From digital identity to the design of online services” which had as its objective the mapping of the websites of museums or cultural institutions in relation to quality criteria, operational indications, design guidelines and, in general, to all the issues of the sectoral scientific debate of the early 2000s. Today, thanks to this possible reinterpretation, this research become significant for a new "backward" investigation, but above it take on the value of "document" which are fundamental for the preservation of a specific memory and useful (in terms of research and teaching), for example, in building a "history" of the "digital" visual identity and online services offered by cultural institutions over the years.
