

World revision of the genus Encyrtoscelio Dodd (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae)

F BinVirgilio Caleca


SystematicsbiologyArthropodaEcologySystematic EntomologyClypeusPlatygastroideaHexapodaScelioninaePlatygastroideaArachnologybiology.organism_classificationHymenopteraCladisticstaxonomySettore AGR/11 - Entomologia Generale E ApplicataPlatygastridaeEgg parasitoid Hemiptera Cydnidae claval sensillar formula micropterous tooth in mandiblesAnimaliaTaxonomy (biology)insectsEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsScelionidaebiodiversity


The genus Encyrtoscelio Dodd is revised. E. apterus (Szelényi), E. mirissimus Dodd, E. turneri Waterston are redescribed, and six new species are described: E. cydni Caleca, E. japonicus Caleca, E. mediterraneus Caleca, E. miroides Caleca, E. spuratus Caleca and E. undecim Caleca. A key to separate females is presented, and is based on the number of antennomeres and claval sensillar formula, mandibular spurs and teeth, palpal formula and clypeus, and some cephalic characters. Morphological adaptations of the head and mandibles are discussed in relation to host habitat and oviposition site. Information on host associations, habitat preference, seasonal and daily occurrence of some species are also presented.
