

Latvijas Universitātes 78. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences sekcijas “Nezināmās lappuses Latvijas un reģiona vēsturē: iespējas” referātu tēzes

Ginta Ieva BikšeVanda VisockaJānis StepiņšZane RozīteAnastasija SmirnovaAiga BērziņaGuntis VāverisToms Zariņš


:HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History [Research Subject Categories]sieviešu un indivīdu lomatelevīzijas raidījumu valodas problemātika Latvijas PSRLatvijas brīvprātīgie Spānijas pilsoņu karāstarptautiskās atturības organizācijasLatvijas vēsture


In 2020 for the first time a PhD history students’ session was organised as part of the 78th Annual International Conference of the University of Latvia. 8 doctoral students applied for participation under the overall session title “The Unknown Pages in the History of Latvia and the Region: Opportunities”. The reports cover various social aspects in the history of Latvia and the Region, the role of women and individuals in historical processes and economic history, the operation of international abstinence organizations, the participation of Latvian volunteers in the Spanish Civil War and the language issues in television broadcasts in the Latvian SSR. This volume contains the abstracts of these reports. The authors are responsible for their provided content.
