

Play and liberty : A brief incursion into some ideological currents in the history of systems‐oriented family therapy

Timo SampolahtiAarno Laitila


Social PsychologyperheterapiaClinical Psychologyideological historyperhesuhteetoppihistoriapeliteoriafamily therapylibertyplaysysteemiajatteluvapausSocial Sciences (miscellaneous)ideologiat


We reflect on family therapy and its history from two points of view, as an entity that becomes understood with the help of a twofold concept of a game, and a twofold concept of liberty. Systemic family therapy has always been comprehended with the help of game theory. Its development becomes more properly understood if we keep in mind that game itself is a dualistic concept entailing both a cultural and a logico-mathematical interpretation of a game. We show how cultural ethos has molded the ways how game metaphor have been implemented to systemic thinking. In the same manner we show how Isaiah Berlin's idea of two incompatible concepts of liberty helps to contextualize family therapy in a way that its connections to sociopolitical theories of liberty become obvious. We believe that we have been able to demonstrate, how this twofold recontextualisation enriches the understanding of the ideological history of the family therapy. We claim that our reflections imply that family therapy is essentially a dualistic endeavor, that in the amid of it is a rift that cannot become repaired but only contemplated, that integrity of family therapy requires that we preserve both conflictual views, and don't try to simplify situation by abandoning one or the other. As a result, our article intends to develop further and deepen the idea that is originally presnted in the article "Strategy and intervention or non-intervention: A matter of theory" by Harold Goolishian and Harlene Anderson.笔者从两个角度来反思家庭治疗和它的历史,在游戏的双重概念和自由的双重概念的帮助下理解作为一个实体的家庭治疗。系统的家庭治疗一直是借助博弈论来理解的。如果我们牢记游戏本身是一个包含游戏文化和逻辑-数学解释的二元论概念,它的发展就会变得更容易理解。我们将展示文化气质如何塑造游戏这个隐喻如何应用于系统思维的方式。 以同样的方式,笔者展示了以赛亚·伯林关于两个互不相容的自由概念的想法如何帮助将家庭治疗置于背景中,其与自由的社会政治理论的联系变得明显。我们相信我们已经能够证明,这种双重的不断至于大背景下的方式丰富了对家庭治疗思想史的理解。 笔者声称,我们的反思暗示家庭治疗本质上是一种二元论的努力,其中存在着一个无法修复而只能被设想的裂痕,家庭治疗的完整性要求我们保留两个冲突的观点,不要试图放弃其中一个或另一个来简单化。因此,本文进一步发展和深化Harold Goolishian 和 Harlene Anderson (1994) 在经典文章中最初提出的观点: 策略与干预或不干预: 一个理论问题。.
