

Use of seeds from local loquat ecotypes for rootstock production

G GugliuzzaM MilitelloG TallutoVittorio Farina


Eriobotrya japonica seedling germplasm


In Italy loquat (Eriobotrya japonica, Lindl) seedlings are commonly produced in nurseries as rootstocks for commercial loquat orchards. Seedling production is characterized by low germination percentage and a slow plant growth.The aim of this study was to evaluate local ecotypes seeds of loquat for seedlings production. Some ecotypes (Bianco dolce, BRT20, Claudia, Fiore, La Mantia and Marcenò) and international cultivars (Algerie, Golden Nugget, Magdal, Peluche and Tanaka) were compared. Loquat seeds of 11 different genotypes were collected from mature fruits in commercial orchards. Seeds were extracted and washed after separating from flesh. A pretreatment of 24 hr of seed soaking in a solution of 1% Hydrochloric acid (HCl) was compared to untreated raw seeds. At 15 and 30 days from sowing, germination data were collected. After 90 days from sowing, plants were transplanted in 2 l pots. The highest germination value was registered on Bianco dolce cv, for both treatments (80%), and on Peluche cv treated with HCL, while the lowest value was registered on untreated seed of Algerie (25%) and Marcenò (10%)cv. HCl pretreatment increased germination, in some cv, from 10% to 50% (Marcenò) and from 45% to 75% (Fiore), while in some cases Hcl treatment no shows a significative differences as on Bianco Dolce, La Mantia, Claudia and BRT20.
