

Droits européens et droit de la famille : contribution à l'étude de la dynamique du rapprochement

Angélique Thurillet-bersolle


Droits fondamentaux[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LawHarmonisation[ SHS.DROIT ] Humanities and Social Sciences/LawDialogue des sourcesDroit international privé[SHS.DROIT]Humanities and Social Sciences/LawDroit de la familleDroit comparéCoordinationUnion europénneNo english keywordsRapprochementConseil de l'Europe


In Europe, there's now a trend for the standardization of national family laws.This is closely linked to the increase of sources. The Council of Europe’s right, the European Union’s right, and the Comparative Law are increasingly interfering with the inner process of the production of family laws.The uniform standardization of family Laws first and foremost originates in the interaction of sources.The relationship between the different european legal systems, whether national or supranational, cannot only be seen as hierarchic or horizontal.They are indeed much more complicated and are based upon communication i.e. based on exchange and mutual influence. Communication between the different legal systems encourages the convergence of national family laws.The intra-european family movement and the fundamentalisation of laws can explain such a standardization. Nevertheless that convergence is playing a part in the respect of the diversity of laws since it is working through coordination, i.e. extra uniformisation of the international private family law or through an harmonization around the basic principles of freedom and equality.
