

Genotoxicity of citrus wastewater in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and efficiency of heterogeneous photocatalysis by TiO(2).

Marghereth SaveriniLeonardo PalmisanoGiulia SciandrelloGiuseppe MarcìGiuseppe AvelloneIrene CatanzaroSergio Indelicato


CitrusChromatography GasDNA damageBiophysicsPHOTOCATALYSIS TiO2 GENOTOXICITYmedicine.disease_causeWaste Disposal FluidCatalysisAmes testCell LineTerpenechemistry.chemical_compoundBridged Bicyclo CompoundsCricetulusCricetinaeCyclohexenesmedicineAnimalsRadiology Nuclear Medicine and imagingSolid Phase MicroextractionBicyclic MonoterpenesTitaniumLimoneneRadiationChromatographyPhotolysisRadiological and Ultrasound TechnologyMutagenicity TestsTerpenesComet assayTransformation (genetics)chemistryWastewaterEnvironmental chemistryMonoterpenesSettore CHIM/07 - Fondamenti Chimici Delle TecnologieComet AssayGenotoxicityLimoneneWater Pollutants ChemicalDNA Damage


Abstract The presence of (±)α-pinene, (+)β-pinene, (+)3-carene, and R-(+)limonene terpenes in wastewater of a citrus transformation factory was detected and analyzed, in a previous study, by using Solid Phase Micro-extraction (SPME) followed by GC analyses. Purpose of that research was to compare the genotoxic responses of mixtures of terpenes with the genotoxicity of the individual compounds, and the biological effects of actual wastewater. Genotoxicity was evaluated in the Salmonella reversion assay (Ames test) and in V79 cells by Comet assay. Ames tests indicated that the four single terpenes did not induce an increase of revertants frequency. On the contrary, the mixtures of terpenes caused, in the presence of metabolic activation, a highly significant increase of the revertants in TA100 strain in comparison to the control. The Comet assay showed a significant increase in DNA damage in V79 cells treated for 1 h with single or mixed terpenes. Moreover, the actual wastewater was found highly genotoxic in bacterial and mammalian cells. Photocatalytic tests completely photodegraded the pollutants present in aqueous wastewater and the initial high genotoxicity of samples of wastewater collected during the photocatalytic run, was completely lose in 3 h of irradiation.
