

Semitransparent Perovskite Solar Cells with Multilayered Metal Top Electrodes for BIPVs and Tandem Applications

G. GiulianoS. CataldoM. ScopellitiT. FioreB. Pignataro


PerovskiteSemitransparent Solar Cells


Semitransparent perovskite-based solar cells (ST-PSCs) are highly desired to be integrated into buildings as electricity-generating solar windows in the context of Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPVs), as well as in tandem solar cells combined with other low-bandgap solar cells (e.g. silicon or CIGS) to give enhanced light-harvesting. To fabricate high-performance ST-PSCs, one key challenge is that of replacing the conventional opaque metal top electrodes with suitable transparent alternatives. Recently, dielectric/metal/dielectric (DMD) multilayer architectures have been shown to be suitable candidates as transparent top electrodes, exhibiting ideal characteristics such as mechanical and thermal stability, low deposition temperatures, and tunable opto-electrical properties.3 Here, semitransparent mixed-halide perovskite planar solar cells with thermally evaporated DMD top electrodes (MoOx/Au (or Au/Cu)/MoOx) have been successfully fabricated. The top Au-based ST solar cell exhibited a PCE of 13% (opaque reference gave 14.2%) with average transmittances of 6% in the range 400-800 nm and 38% in the range 800-1000 nm. Cu-based ST-PSCs showed also impressive performances with a maximum PCE of 12.5% and average transmittances comparable to those of the Au-based devices. References [1] M. L. Petrus et al. Adv. Energy Mater. 2017, 7 (16), 1700264. [2] Q. D. Tai and F. Yan. Adv. Mater. 2017, 29 (34), 1700192. [3] J. Yun. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 27 (18), 1606641.
