

Inverting the Wollaston Illusion: Gaze Direction Attracts Perceived Head Orientation

Heiko HechtAriane WilhelmChristoph Von Castell


genetic structuresfacial features150 Psychologiegaze directionWollaston illusionPsychologyvisual perceptionStandard Articlesense organs150 PsychologyBF1-990


In the early 19th century, William H. Wollaston impressed the Royal Society of London with engravings of portraits. He manipulated facial features, such as the nose, and thereby dramatically changed the perceived gaze direction, although the eye region with iris and eye socket had remained unaltered. This Wollaston illusion can be thought of as head orientation attracting perceived gaze direction when the eye region is unchanged. In naturalistic viewing, the eye region changes with head orientation and typically produces a repulsion effect. Here we explore if there is a flip side to the illusion. Does the gaze direction also alter the perceived direction of the head? We used copies of the original drawings and a computer-rendered avatar as stimuli. Gaze direction does indeed alter perceived head orientation. Perceived head orientation is biased toward the direction of gaze.
