

Nuove varianti di Bronchite Infettiva negli allevamenti avicoli siciliani

F. AntociG. TuminoA. GuercioA. ConiglioG. ChiaracaneS. SallemiC. TerreginoGiuseppa Purpari


Avian Infectious Bronchitis QX strain broilers


Avian Infectious Bronchitis (IB) is a disease caused by a Coronavirus, included in Coronaviridae family. The disease, endemic in Italy, affects both broilers and laying hens. It represents one of the main health issue in sicilian poultry farms. The presence of new antigenic variants makes problematic the implementation of an adequate prophylaxis through the use of appropriate vaccines. The present work aims to study the spread of IB strains in Sicily by serological and biomolecular tests in order to investigate the presence of "historical" strains as well as new strains and to carry out the genotyping of viruses isolated. The serological results show that the used vaccination protocols are able to develop an adequate antibody titre along all production steps both laying hens and broilers. The virological results underline the presence of QX strain in a broilers farm. This is a strain widespread in Italy but never reported in the regional territory.
