

Measurements of Multi-boson production, Trilinear and Quartic Gauge Couplings with the ATLAS detector

Maurice Becker


PhysicsCondensed Matter::Quantum GasesParticle physicsPhoton010308 nuclear & particles physicsAtlas detectorPhysics beyond the Standard ModelPhysicsQC1-999Electroweak interactionHigh Energy Physics::Phenomenology7. Clean energy01 natural sciencesNuclear physicsScattering channelQuartic function0103 physical sciencesHiggs bosonHigh Energy Physics::Experiment010306 general physicsParticle Physics - ExperimentBoson


The ATLAS collaboration has carried a set of measurements that provide stringent tests of the electroweak sector of Standard Model, specifically on di- and multi-boson production cross sections and on triple and quartic gauge-boson couplings. Such measurements include cross sections for WV (V=W or Z) production in the leptonic or semileptonic channels, the production of a W or Z boson in association with photons, a Z boson in the vector-boson fusion channel and two same-charge W bosons in the vector-boson scattering channel. These measurements are compared to (N)NLO predictions of the Standard Model and provide model-independent constraints on new physics, by setting limits on anomalous gauge-boson couplings. First LHC Run-2 results will be included if available. An analysis of the inclusive four-lepton lineshape has been carried out in the mass range from 80 to 1000 GeV, where several distinct physics processes give rise to the production of 4-lepton final state, namely the single Z resonant processes, the Higgs production at 125 GeV, as well as continuum ZZ production processes with $q\bar{{q}}$ and gg initial states.
