

Trade Openness and Income: A Tale of Two Regions

Inmaculada Martínez-zarzosoCecilio TamaritMariam CamareroD Felicitas Nowak-lehmann


MacroeconomicsGDP per worker trade openness panel cointegration structural breaks crosssection dependence Asia Latin Americapanel cointegrationEconomics and EconometricsLatin AmericansAsiaDeveloping countryjel:F43jel:C22Discount pointsjel:O40Accounting0502 economics and businessOpenness to experienceEconomicsEndogeneityGDP per worker050207 economicscrosssection dependence050205 econometrics Factor analysisCointegrationLiberalization05 social sciences1. No povertytrade opennessjel:F15Latin America8. Economic growthPolitical Science and International Relationsstructural breaksFinance


In this article we present evidence of the long-run effect of trade openness on income per worker for two regions that have followed different liberalization strategies, namely Asia and Latin America. A model that re-examines these questions is estimated for two panels of Asian and Latin American countries over the 1980-2008 period using a novel empirical approach that accounts for endogeneity as well as for the time series properties of the variables involved. From an econometric point of view, we apply recent panel cointegration techniques based on factor models that account for two additional elements usually neglected in previous empirical literature: cross-dependence and structural breaks. The results point to a positive impact of trade openness in both Asia and Latin America although the size is smaller in the second region. We associate this finding with the degree to which trade was managed in both regions of the developing world. Spanish Ministry of Education mobility programme (Grant ref. PRX12/00103) The authors also acknowledge the funding from Spanish MINECO (project ECO2014-58991-C3-2-R), Generalitat Valenciana (project PROMETEOII/2014/053), University Jaume I (project P1-1B2013-06) and the European Commission (Lifelong Learning Program- references 542457-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-AJM-CL (M. Camarero), 542434-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-AJM-CL (C. Tamarit) and 542727-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-AJM-CL
