Striving for Inclusion through Participatory Practices in Social Enterprises
Raminta PucetaiteAnna-maija LämsäElina RiivariSoilikki Viljanensubject
tapaustutkimusosallistaminenparticipatory practicessocial agencysocial enterprisesosiaaliset yrityksettoimijuusvoimaantuminensosiaalinen vahvistaminenFinlanddescription
The aim of this research case is to shed some empirical light on the effects of participatory practices from the perspective of Sen’s capability approach in a Finnish social enterprise. Using a mixed method approach we explore how participatory practices build social inclusion by enabling both company’s employees and customers to engage in social agency. The case study findings articulate the importance of participatory practices to employees’ perceptions of meaningfulness of life and being able to meet customers (who are mentally disabled) needs on the one hand and customers’ experience of information sharing and feedback giving to the employees and helping other customers. peerReviewed
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2019-01-01 |