

Citizen science project to monitor wildlife: a first census of wintering Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus in Sicily

Salvatore SurdoPaolo GalassoCamillo CusimanoMarco RealeManuel Andrea Zafarana


Settore BIO/05 - ZoologiaCitizen science counting raptors wintering popula- tion


Citizen science can represent an effective tool for large- scale data collection and can be used to improve scientific knowledge and define species distribution ranges before proper planning of related conservation strategies. A regional census of wintering Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus in Sicily, never achieved before, was organized by GAM (Gruppo Aquila Minore - Booted Eagle Group) on 12 Janu- ary 2020, involving 90 people from several organizations. A total of 112 wintering individuals have been recorded for the whole region, col- lecting related data about their colour morph, habitat preference and altitude. A regional estimate of 180-220 wintering individuals was cal- culated, also considering previous data collected during counts carried out in some selected sample areas during December 2019 and January 2020.
