Making and breaking relationships on social media: the impacts of brand and influencer betrayals
Vilma Luoma-ahoTeck Ming TanHanna ReinikainenJari Salosubject
PERCEPTIONSinfluencer betrayalBrand trustBetrayalCONSUMERSBrand attitudeparasocial relationships0508 media and communicationsvaikuttaminenManagement of Technology and Innovation512 Business and ManagementBrand betrayalONLINE REGRET EXPERIENCEbrand trustApplied Psychologymedia_commonsocial media influencersInfluencer coolness05 social sciencesENGAGEMENTENDORSERSInfluencer marketingSocial media influencersbränditFeelingPsychologySocial psychologyCELEBRIFICATIONFOLLOWERSinfluencer coolnessverkkoyhteisötmedia_common.quotation_subjectParasocial interactionPARASOCIAL INTERACTIONsosiaalinen media050801 communication & media studiesTransgressionsAffect (psychology)Purchase intentionimagovaikuttajamarkkinointibrand attitudePerception0502 economics and businessSocial mediauskottavuusBusiness and International ManagementParasocial relationshipspurchase intentiontransgressionsSuccess factorsostopäätöksetInfluencer betrayalmaineenhallintabrand betrayalvastuuyhteisvastuuluottamus050211 marketingTRUSTluotettavuusdescription
This study considers how the relationships between social media influencers, brands and individuals are intertwined on social media and analyses the spill-over effects of feelings of betrayal. An experimental design with two transgression scenarios (influencer vs. brand) was created, and 250 individuals were recruited to participate in the study. The results show that a perceived betrayal by a brand can negatively affect the perceived coolness of the social media influencer that has endorsed the brand, as well as the parasocial relationships that followers have with the influencer. Accordingly, a perceived betrayal by a social media influencer can negatively affect attitudes, trust and purchase intentions toward a brand that the influencer has endorsed. The current research helps in understanding brand and influencer transgressions and highlights the fact that both influencers and brands should have a sense of collaboration responsibility. It also introduces the concept of influencer coolness, understood here as a desirable success factor for social media influencers, which partly explains their desirability and influence, and a feature that can be endangered through both influencer and brand betrayals. Peer reviewed
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2021-10-01 | Technological Forecasting and Social Change |