

Block-Based Inversion of the Heat Equations

Amir AverbuchPekka NeittaanmäkiValery A. Zheludev


Spline (mathematics)Quadratic equationComputer scienceSpline waveletApplied mathematicsParameterized complexityHeat equationInversion (meteorology)Linear combinationWavelet packet decomposition


This chapter presents robust methods, which refine the algorithms, in Sect. 7.2, for inversion of the heat equations. The idea behind the algorithms is to solve the inversion problem separately in different frequency bands. This is achieved by using spline wavelet packets. The solutions that minimize some parameterized quadratic functionals, are derived as linear combinations of the wavelet packets. Choice of parameters, which is performed automatically, determines the trade-off between the solution regularity and the initial data approximation. The Spline Harmonic Analysis (SHA) technique provides a unified computational scheme for the fast implementation of the algorithm and an explicit representation of the solutions. The presented algorithms provide stable solutions that accurately approximate the initial temperature distribution.
