

Teaching strategies to create visual representations of key ideas in content area text materials: A longterm intervention inserted in school curriculum

Eduardo Vidal-abarcaRamiro Gilabert


ComprehensionReading comprehensionRecallTeaching methodComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONDevelopmental and Educational PsychologyMathematics educationCurriculum developmentEducational psychologyCognitionPsychologyCurriculumEducation


This paper describes a long-term research in which middle-grade school children were taught how to represent visually text key ideas through idea-mapping techniques. It consists of three studies, one for each year of our research. Children were at sixth grade when the instruction began, and they were at eighth grade when it finished. Another group of children from a different public school served as control group. Instruction was very close to the real school conditions: instructors were ordinary teachers, instruction was inserted in the content area curriculum, and ordinary textbooks were regularly employed, though combined with specially elaborated materials. Results were positive in the case of the first and third year, depending on instructional conditions. Positive effects were found on recall, comprehension and learning, but they were different in the three studies. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
