

First intense isotopic titanium-50 beam using MIVOC method

R. SeppäläJ. ÄRjeJ. PiotJ. RubertB. Jp. GallH. KoivistoA. OuadiO. DorvauxZouhair AsfariPaul Greenlees


Nuclear and High Energy PhysicsIon beamta114010308 nuclear & particles physicsMaterial consumptionRadiochemistryCyclotronAnalytical chemistrychemistry.chemical_element7. Clean energy01 natural sciencesElectron cyclotron resonanceIon sourceIonlaw.inventionchemistrylaw0103 physical sciencesddc:530010306 general physicsInstrumentationBeam (structure)Titanium


Abstract An organometallic compound isotopically enriched in titanium-50 has been successfully used for the first time to produce intense ion beams with an ECR ion source by means of the MIVOC method. After some fruitful tests performed with compounds produced at IPHC Strasbourg with natural titanium, enriched organometallic titanium compound was produced successfully, beam extracted from ECR ion sources and accelerated through a K = 130 MeV cyclotron to an energy of 242 MeV. This isotopic 50 Ti 11 + beam was used for the first time in three week-experiment with typical MIVOC stable operating conditions. After optimization, up to 19.4 μA of titanium-50 in charge state 11 + could be extracted from the JYFL 14 GHz ECRIS2 ion source. This measurement has demonstrated the possible use of the MIVOC method for production of an intense highly charged isotopic titanium-50 ion beam with rather low material consumption.
