

Splicing Systems from Past to Future: Old and New Challenges

L. BoassonPaola BonizzoniClelia De FeliceIsabelle FagnotGabriele FiciRocco ZaccagninoRosalba Zizza


FOS: Computer and information sciencesDiscrete Mathematics (cs.DM)[INFO.INFO-FL]Computer Science [cs]/Formal Languages and Automata Theory [cs.FL]Formal Languages and Automata Theory (cs.FL)Splicing Systems Formal Languages.ACM: F.: Theory of Computation/F.4: MATHEMATICAL LOGIC AND FORMAL LANGUAGES/F.4.3: Formal LanguagesACM: F.: Theory of Computation/F.4: MATHEMATICAL LOGIC AND FORMAL LANGUAGES/F.4.2: Grammars and Other Rewriting SystemsComputer Science - Formal Languages and Automata TheorySplicing Systems Formal languages Regular languages DNA computingComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS[INFO.INFO-FL] Computer Science [cs]/Formal Languages and Automata Theory [cs.FL]Computer Science - Discrete Mathematics


A splicing system is a formal model of a recombinant behaviour of sets of double stranded DNA molecules when acted on by restriction enzymes and ligase. In this survey we will concentrate on a specific behaviour of a type of splicing systems, introduced by P\u{a}un and subsequently developed by many researchers in both linear and circular case of splicing definition. In particular, we will present recent results on this topic and how they stimulate new challenging investigations.
