

Energy performance of architectural heritage: characteristics of the historic buildings in Palermo

E GenovaG Fatta


Efficienza energetica Architettura storica Proprietà termiche e idrometriche Categorie edilizie Tipologie edilizie PalermoSettore ICAR/10 - Architettura Tecnicaenergy efficiency energy retrofit historic buildings historic architecture thermo-physical properties building categorization building typologies Palermo


The current researches on the energy and environmental improvement of historic architecture aim to develop strategies respectful of its aesthetic and material features. This requires a deep knowledge of the characters strictly connected to a local context. This paper focuses on the historic architecture of Palermo and analyses, among its features, those which particularly influence its energy and environmental performance. For this purpose the building typologies introduced by the urban regulations can be useful for a categorization on the basis of the most recent European researches.
