

Effizienszsteigerung und Suche nach Beschleunigung von Schiedsverfahren im Spannungsfeld von Mythos. Sublimierung und Vierter Industrieller Revolution (4.0)

Silvia Barona Vilar


Arbitratge i laude


The Arbitration has been, and is, subject to many changes and transformations that afffect its nature and understanding. Arbitration is still an instrument of -and for- justice and therefore it is subject to legal reforms that promote efficience or speedness as major goals. That means, the developed of abbreviated procedures or speed or emergengcy arbitrators among other many changes. But, more and more, arbitration is also understood as a a financial instrument with a growing economic, business or market dimension. The 'liquidness' of modern societies has an impact on the institution and erodes some of the ideas and approaches on which it has standed on for decades, even centuries
