

An outline of shear-sense analysis in high-grade rocks

Sara CoelhoCees W. Passchier


PrecambrianTectonicsGondwanaShear (geology)Ultra low velocity zoneGeologyVorticityShear zoneOverprintingGeologySeismology


Ductile shear zones are important in tectonic reconstructions as a source of information on the relative motion of large crustal blocks or plates in the geological past. Methods to interpret fabric in ductile shear zones were mostly developed for low grade rocks where overprinting relations are usually well preserved. However, high grade shear zones are common and dominate in many Precambrian terrains. High grade shear zones should be analysed in a different way from low grade zones. The plane on which shear sense markers should be observed, the vorticity profile plane, is more difficult to find than in low grade shear zones. The most reliable shear sense markers in high grade shear zones are shear bands, mineral fish, mantled porphyroclasts, sigmoids and asymmetric boudins. © 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of International Association for Gondwana Research.
