

On the identity of Ischyropsalis dentipalpis Canestrini, 1872 and description of Ischyropsalis lithoclasica sp. n. (Opiliones: Ischyropsalididae)

Jochen MartensAxel L. Schönhofer


education.field_of_studybiologyArthropodaOpilionesIschyropsalis dentipalpisPopulationAllopatric speciationZoologyIschyropsalididaeOpilionesBiodiversitybiology.organism_classificationSensuArachnidaAnimaliaAnimal Science and ZoologyType localityTaxonomy (biology)IschyropsalididaeeducationEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsTaxonomy


Ischyropsalis dentipalpis Canestrini, 1872 is re-defined, and a neotype from the type locality in the Aosta Valley, Italy, is assigned. I. helvetica Roewer, 1916 (sensu Martens 1978) is shown to be conspecific and therefore is synonymised with I. dentipalpis. A population from Bergamo Province, Italy, formerly assigned to I. dentipalpis (sensu Martens 1978), is here regarded as a different species and described under the name Ischyropsalis lithoclasica sp. n. Discrimination of males is possible by genital characters and by the shape of the cheliceral and pedipalpal apophyses. Females are distinguished by peculiarities of cheliceral spination. The distribution of I. lithoclasica n. sp. is allopatric to that of I. dentipalpis.
