

Bewährte Verfahren bei staatlichen Strategien für die europäische Sozialwirtschaft nach der Wirtschaftskrise

Rafael Chaves ÁVilaJosé Luis Monzón Campos




En este capítulo se resumen los principales resultados del estudio recientemente realizado para el Comité Economico y social europeo titulado: “Best practices in public policies regarding the European Social Economy after the economic crisis” In this paper we present the main results of a study currently being conducted by CIRIEC for the EESC under the title of “Best practices in public policies regarding the European Social Economy after the economic crisis” is also addressing this issue. In this report we will therefore focus on some public policy topics: a comparative analysis of new national legislation on the Social Economy, best new public policies for the social economy, national and regional action plans, the creation of satellite accounts, targeted nancing and public procurement rules. Last but not least, we will consider the dimension of institutional barriers to the development of the social economy, as a key factor in social economy ecosystems.
