

Online Guided ACT Intervention for Enhancing the Psychological Well-being of Female Soccer Players in Pre-season

Jaakko NikanderJohanna SaarniJohanna K. IhalainenMaarit Valtonen


masennusnaisetfemale playershyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaAcceptance and commitment therapyinterventiotutkimuskilpaurheilustressistressdepressive symptomshenkinen hyvinvointijalkapalloilijatpsychological well-beingurheilijatverkkopalvelut


This study investigated whether an internet-based intervention aimed at enhancing the psychological well-being of female soccer players before the competitive season could be effective approach to meet the needs of the players. Players (n= 43; 17–26 years old)on the four separated teams in Finland’shighest league were assigned to either a guided six-week online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention (ACTi) or to a control condition (CON). A between-groups pre–post (ACTi vs. CON) design was implemented before the competitive season. Players in the ACTi were offered three group sessions, performed internet-based tasks, and were individually supported by a guide. The results demonstrated that the ACTi players maintained their sports-related well-being (between-group, d = 0.72), while the sports-related well-being of the CON players, especially emotional and social well-being, had declined. In addition, ACTi players’perceived stress (d = 0.60) and depression (d = 0.88) declined, while their psychological flexibility in sports (d = 0.41) increased compared to the CON players. These results suggest that before the competitive season, players’ sports-related well-being decreases. The ACT intervention seemed to prevent this decrease and provide players with the skills to cope with emotional and social stressors related to the competitive season.
