

Accretion-driven gravitational radiation from nonrotating compact objects. Infalling quadrupolar shells

Alessandro NagarJosé A. PonsGuillermo DiazJosé A. Font


PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsWhite holeAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaFOS: Physical sciencesGeneral Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)AstrophysicsCompact starGeneral Relativity and Quantum CosmologyBlack holeNumerical relativityGeneral Relativity and Quantum CosmologyGravitational collapseStellar black holeSpaghettificationAstrophysics::Galaxy AstrophysicsHawking radiation


This paper reports results from numerical simulations of the gravitational radiation emitted from non--rotating compact objects(both neutron stars and Schwarzschild black holes) as a result of the accretion of matter. A hybrid procedure is adopted: we evolve, in axisymmetry, the linearized equations describing metric and fluid perturbations, coupled with a nonlinear hydrodynamics code that calculates the motion of the accreting matter. The initial matter distribution is shaped in the form of extended quadrupolar shells of dust or perfect fluid. Self--gravity and radiation reaction effects of the accreting fluid are neglected. This idealized setup is used to understand the qualitative features appearing in the energy spectrum of the gravitational wave emission from compact stars or black holes, subject to accretion processes involving extended objects. A comparison for the case of point--like particles falling radially onto black holes is also provided. Our results show that, when the central object is a black hole, the spectrum is far from having only one clear, monochromatic peak at the frequency of the fundamental quasi-normal mode, but it shows a complex pattern, with interference fringes produced by the interaction between the infalling matter and the underlying perturbed spacetime: most of the energy is emitted at frequencies lower than that of the fundamental mode of the black hole. Similar results are obtained for extended shells accreting onto neutron stars, but in this case the stellar fundamental mode is clearly excited. Our analysis shows that the gravitational wave signal driven by accretion is influenced more by the details and dynamics of the process, than by the quasi--normal mode structure of the central object.
