Thalassemia (Microkarterocytosis) and Drepanocytosis their Forms and Genetics
Ignazio Gattosubject
GeneticsHereditybusiness.industryAnemiaThalassemiabeta-ThalassemiaAnemia Sickle CellGeneral MedicineDiseasemedicine.diseaseSickle cell anemiaSickle Cell TraitRace (biology)Cheek bonesHumansThalassemiaMedicineAnemia sickle-cellbusinessdescription
SummaryThalassemia, that I propose to call Microkarterocytosis, can be divided into three forms to be distinguished under the names of minima (healthy carriers), minor (Rietti and Greppi's disease), major (Cooley disease).It can be inferred that Thalassemia is a mutation developped in a mediterranean superior paleolitic race that showed also the character high cheek bones.In my researches of 1941-42 I for first showed that thalassemia is a dominant hereditary character with homozigotic letal effect (heterozigotes the healthy carriers, homozigotes Cooley' patients).Heterozigotes throug an increased expression of the morbid gene develop Rietti and Greppi disease, as I inferred in 1949.The researches on genetics that I carried later on Drepanocytosis have shown a behaviour equal yo that observed in Thalassemia.In Drepanocytosis the heterozigote condition determines the healty carriers and the less serious cases of sickle cell anemia, the condition of homozigote the most serious form of this anemia.A morbid form clinically similiar to the slight cases of Cooley disease is detectable in subjects whose parents show separately one the Thalassemia-stigmata and the other the Drepanocytosis-stigmata. For this latter form the name of Thalassodrepanocytosis is suggested.The presence of drepanocytosis inindividuals of european races can be explained with very ancient crosses with individuals of negro races.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
1952-01-01 | Acta geneticae medicae et gemellologiae |