Le tracce dell'esegesi paremiografica di Didimo nella tradizione scolastica
Alessio Rutasubject
ScholiaDidimo di AlessandriaProverbiSettore L-FIL-LET/05 - Filologia Classicadescription
This article aims to recognize the remains of Didymus’ scholarly activity related to exegesis on proverbs inside the scholiastic corpora of tragic and comic poets, which, as it happens in the Demosthenic commentary preserved in P.Berol. inv. 9780 (11, 52-12, 33), in some cases show a significant relationship with later paroemiographical sources. These evidences are examined in order to determine whether or not Didymus and Lucillus of Tarrhae might have transposed into their collections of proverbs the historical and mythographical material used by themselves to enrich commentaries and technical works.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2016-01-01 |