

Studio sul complesso parassitario di Prays oleae (Bernard) e sui livelli di parassitizzazione in un oliveto biologico della Sicilia occidentale.

Alfonso Agro'Mirella Lo PintoAntonino Cusumano


Settore AGR/11 - Entomologia Generale E ApplicataAngitia armillata cascola Elasmus steffani Pnigalio agraules tignola dell'olivo


Study on the parasitoid complex of Prays oleae (Bernard) and parasitism levels in an organic olive orchard in western Sicily (Italy). Prays oleae is a serious pest of the olive tree in the Mediterranean basin. This phytophagous infests fruits (carpophagous generation) and leaves (phyllophagous generation). In cases of high population densities crop losses, caused mainly by fruit drop, may be heavy. The aim of this work was to investigate on 1) parasitoid species living on P. oleae, 2) their incidence parasitoid complex, 3) parasitism levels and 4)the influence on the fruit fall. Observations were conducted in an organic olive grove near Contessa Entellina (PA) (Sicily, Italy) (37.43.44 N; 13.10.14 E, 640 m s. l. m.). Samples of leaves, weekly, were collected, during the overwintered (phyllophagous) and March 2004 to July 2007. In laboratory, singly into vials and observed daily until the adult emergence.
